Saturday, March 13, 2021

One & a Half Love Story

Review #79

Here comes my another amazing & challenging read of 2021.

A detailed review in form video will be up soon, read to know more about this story.

Hey, first of all hello 🙋 all the lovely readers out there, here is a genuine review I want to share with you all.

Here comes another amazing storyline by Vishal Anand. A book which I will personally recommend to all the keen readers out there, The book ‘One & a Half Love Story’ - the story mainly revolves around Nimisha, Viraj and Shriya. It's a short read that will take you on the tour of an unforgettable love story.

The author has the capability of forming real characters and the whole story can help you make a fresh perspective toward love.

Every romance reader should pick this love triangle. Every page I turned was full of page turning emotions which actually help in creating a keen mindset full of thoughts & this is the only reason which kept me bounded to continue reading this story.

The question pondering me was, will this be another happily ever after love journey for Nimisha & Viraj or a heartbreak for all three? Will they both be able to keep up the unbreakable bond without loosing it's building block? Read this amazing novel to find an end to few more questions similar to mine, dug deep inside by Vishal. It actually gives goosebumps while reading through it.

The way this book is penned down, I felt what a page-turner this is!! Without doubt this can become one of the prominent novel of 2021.

Wonderful book. While reading the book I started living. Language used is simple & easy to understand. Writing style of the author is good. Overall, I enjoyed reading it. This is a must read for all readers out there...

#QOTD – Have you ever been through a Love Triangle??

TITLE– Goes well with the plot, I loved it...

COVER– Extremely attractive one..!!


STRENGTHS— Title & Cover

TITLE– One & a Half Love Story

AUTHOR– Vishal Anand

GENRE– Fiction

PUBLISHERS– Moments Publications



FORMAT– Paperback


PAGES– 220



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