Saturday, September 5, 2020

Author Interview : Sabarna Roy

 Q1) What kept on inspiring to write books?

The inspiration to write comes from within and it is difficult to pin-point it.

Q2) Can you describe briefly about each book you have wrote till date?

I have published 6 Literary books, titled: Pentacles; Frosted Glass; Abyss; Winter Poems; Random Subterranean Mosaic: 2012 – 2018, and Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020; and 1 Technical book, titled: Articles on Ductile Iron Pipelines and Framework Agreement Methodology.

Pentacles comprises one novella and four long narrative poems.

Frosted Glass comprises one story cycle consisting of 14 stories and one poem cycle consisting of 21 poems.

Abyss is a full length play in two acts with an interval in between. It is essentially a crime thriller full of suspense.

The poems contained in the collection Winter Poems, were inspired by the relatively mild season that prevails in Kolkata following the season of festivities, the Durga and Kali Puja, and portray myriad shades of human life.

Random Subterranean Mosaic 2012 - 2018 is a kaleidoscope of random, yet structured to a pattern, fiction, semi-autobiographical, and autobiographical pieces, covering poems, short-shorts, opinions, observations, and conversations.

Etchings of the First Quarter of 2020 comprises a novella and a poem cycle. The novella deals with dualism of life and the poem cycle is a duel between the poet and his alter-ego.

Q3) What was the struggle behind reaching best seller tag?

You keep on doing what you are best at doing, that is, writing. Laurels come when they have to come.

Q4) What did you learn while writing these books?

That it is possible to reconnect with your own life through the process of writing.

Q5) What suprised you the most throughout the journey?

That many mysteries and secrets of my own life were unearthed in the process of my writing journey.

Q6) Can you briefly explain about each title's origination and meaning?

People who read my books will be able to resonate with the title of my books. And, people who have not read my books, for them I do not want to end up giving spoilers.

Q7) Did you find yourself more or less sympathetic towards the subject you wrote?

I am dispassionate towards characters and subjects that I write about.

Q8) What happened behind the scenes for Pentacles, Abyss, Winter Poems, Frosted Glass and Random Subterranean?

Sincere hard work, research and painstaking writing discipline.

Q9) Were characters inspired by real persons?

Some of my key characters are inspired by real persons.

Q10) What do you think happened to the characters after the book ended?

I do not know. I hope they are alive in the minds of some of my readers.

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