Wednesday, August 14, 2019



DEBUT NOVELSignboard at Dholavira

Q1) When did you first realized a writer in you?
Ans:  I am always imagining myself like I’m in a different story, living in a dreamy world. When I read a fiction I imagined myself as a part of it or say when I watch any Hollywood movie say Spider man, Batman, I Imaged myself as a those fiction superheroes.

This thing inspired me a lot to develop my own world as a writer.

Again, after passing my CA final exams, I decided to give a boost to my passion of writing and then Signboard at Dholavira became possible,

Q2) What made you write a mythological novel as debut novel?
Ans: Since my early days, am very deeply attached to the Ancient Indian History and archaeology. Places and stories of historical importance always attract me.

I grew up reading the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and other books of historical importance as also the thrillers and fictions. The messages and incidents therein always fascinated and inspired me. And this reading habit gave a kick to my passion i.e. writing a “Mythological Fiction”.

Q3) The genre of mythology/historical fiction is taking the publishing world with a storm. What’s your take on it?
Ans: I want to say that this genre is still not exploited at full, still there is so much buried in our ancient history from all around the world. For our India I can say our Vedic and Puranic period was full of such mysteries which can be shared with the readers if proper research is undertaken. Our ancient legends had a story associated with them at each and every phase. Such stories should be narrated to the readers.

But I want to mention one thing that, I want to write and tell people about ancient legends without manipulating the true nature and character of those historical figures. I don’t want to manipulate history for myself ends. Yes few incidents might be here and there but the core will remain untouched.

Q4) What is Signboard of Dholavira all about?
Ans: At first I would like to share a fact regarding the title,

Dholavira is a Harappan site located in the Rann of Kutch, Gujarat. And one of the most exciting discoveries at Dholavira is a large wooden “Signboard” excavated there. This is actually one of the longest Indus inscriptions known and however until the Indus script is deciphered, what the sign is saying still remains a mystery.

Dholavira’s reputation was equal to Mohenjo-Daro and I just wanted to retain the historical heritage by informing the people in general through the medium of this book that they should visit such a great place and take measures to promote and safeguard the place.

So I decided to link the story of my book with the Signboard. Signboard is the primary theme of the book that gave the story a good plot.

Now coming to the book, it is an archaeological cum mythological thriller. The adventure and information covered in this work will surely enhance the anxiety of the audience who love to read about Ancient India. Each chapter will grasp them tightly.

The story will uncover the false myths and will present the scientific view. It’s a story of Professor Gaekwad, the protagonist and the legend of Drona Parva Astras. The book is all about his journey from fighting the evil force, to finding ways to deal with the secret and eventually finding safeguard the same.

Q5) How has been your journey as an author been so far?
Ans: Well, it is just a beginning; I got some good reviews, few advices on areas of improvement that will help me for my upcoming projects.

Q6) How soon can your readers expect your next book or sequel?
Ans: The sequel is under process, still I am doing research on subject and most probably by the end of the year I will come up with part-2.

Q7) How do you manage to keep the characters, their in-between links & roles all in mind?
Ans: Before I started writing a book, I developed a plot and according to that plot I derived Characters. Each character in the book has its own role to play and as story progressed, it became easy for me to link those characters according to the demand of the story.

Q8) How does the whole writing process goes on?
Ans: At first I developed blue print of the whole story and then step by step worked on it gathering facts and constructed story based on that theme.

During development of the blue prints for the book I read various research papers, articles, Mundaka Upnishad, the Mahabharata and many other writings.

Q9) How many drafts (written, type) you had for this?
Ans: 21 drafts J.

Q10) are you thinking of converting your novel into WEB-SERIES?
Ans: I wish so, that people admire my work and my book will get such a big platform.

Q11) How is community (publishers, other authors) acting as support system?
Ans: As I am new in this filed I can’t say much about support from Authors, but after Publishing you have to do your own marketing, Publishers help you up to certain level but it is fully upon you to create a craze about your book.

Q12) Which genre on personal level you love to read?
Ans: More precisely Mythology, Paranormal and Archaeological Thrillers.

Q13) Which author do you look up as your role model or inspiration? Who is your favorite author?
Ans: The rich Indian cultural heritage and the ancient legends along with story associated with each of them inspired me a lot. I am a spiritual kind of person so that spirituality within me motivated me. Again the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and other scriptures are my source of Inspiration.

Also I am a big fan of Ashwin Sanghi, Christopher C Doyle, Dan Brown, John Boyne and few others who are my source of inspiration.

Q14) How much do you relate your novel to reality? 
Ans: In my opinion, we should be giving importance to the object or the essence and not to the subject.

Both the Ramayana and Mahabharata are historically real and that the stories woven around Lord Rama or Krishna actually took place, though these may have been distorted somewhat to suit the imagination of the storyteller.

There is a missing link which is required to explain these weapons in detail, including their modern scientific properties. And I had tried to explain them by the way of the story.

Now when it comes to test the authenticity of events mentioned in my book, one should read the ancient scriptures and Puranic texts are real. There are many texts out there that support the actual occurrence of events.

Q15) On a scale of 10, how much you would love to rate your novel?
Ans: Now that readers will be able to better judge, but overall I will give myself 7 stars out of 10.
The book could have been little longer in terms of number of pages. I wanted to add few more details into the story but I will correct those flaws in the next part.

Q16) A message for all readers?
Ans: Keep reading as there is not such pleasure as reading good books. I also urge them to read Signboard at Dholavira and provide constructive criticism so that I can improve further for my upcoming works.